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Foreign men prefer… ordinary Ukrainian women over 30 -35 - 40 years

There is no portrait of an ideal Ukrainian bride whom all foreign men without any exclusion would like. And there are no standard demands to one’s height, weight, hair color and length. That's exactly why today’s situation of a marriage market of Europe is advantageous for Ukrainian girls. There is a demand for everything. Moreover, an acuteness of a problem of a family creation inside every European country depends on a region. And there are regions where men don’t look at woman’s appearance, character, education etc. at all. The fact of a possibility to create a family is a gift by itself.

However, this medal has a different side: for beauties with long legs it’s much harder to find a couple than for a woman with a standard appearance and 5-10 excessive kilos. Western men have very much suffered from beautiful brides not existing in real life, so much that they even create special sites of brides-scammers not existing in real life in the net where men share their stories of scam. On these sites one can see photos of stars of Russian and Ukrainian music, cinema, models, beauty of which men feed into, and as a result they have no bride and their wallet becomes much thinner.

Short skirts, bathing suits, half-naked breasts – dating sites speckle with such photos. Many young Ukrainian girls think that they can attract a man for serious relationships with this. In their profiles almost every paragraph begins with a capital letter ‘I’. Only 30% of women are interested in their men – their ways, wishes, work, tastes. The majority think only about their incomes, sizes of their houses, and a sum that a fiancé is ready to spend for transport every month.

That’s why the most demanded category of brides are women older than 30 (and there is just no upper limit). Europeans and Americans are as a rule ready for a marriage when they are 35-40, especially to a marriage with a foreign woman, as it means big financial expenses.

And a woman is looked for not in their age group. By the way, a presence of children isn’t a trouble for family happiness. Children are happiness! And men want this happiness as much as possible. Ladies with two, three children Ukrainian find not just husbands, but a dependable stronghold for themselves and their families.

Only in their mature age women understand that relations with a man are a constant work. With a man from another country it means building of a relationship according to standards, but it’s still a serious and constant process. To create a family with a beloved man is a happiness and a dream of every Ukrainian woman. Optimism, sincerity, honesty and a positive attitude are the most demanded qualities of Ukrainian brides.


UKRAINIAN WOMEN GUIDE: 5 Common Questions about Girls from Ukraine. Facts, qualities, characteristics, Relationships and Attitudes. Mail order brides FAQ

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